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60 Years of Industrial and Performance Coating Application Excellence

1953 John Matecki leaves DuPont to start Slipmate a company that will provide Teflon™ finishes to Industry.
1955 Slipmate moves to Franklin Park, Illinois and begins production in a new 3,500 sq. ft. facility.
1956 Slipmate provides Teflon™ finishes for Military, Aerospace, Food Service, Automotive, Medical and Industrial customers throughout the United States.
1960 Slipmate Teflon™ coats wires for a medical customer in England, which is its first international customer.
1965 Slipmate is incorporated in Illinois.
1966 Slipmate becomes a charter member DuPont Licensed Industrial Applicator.
1967 Slipmate begins coating bake ware and other cooking products for industrial and consumer use.
1968 Slipmate triples its Franklin Park facility to 12,500 sq. ft.
1970 Slipmate first Teflon™coats Egg Mc Muffin rings for use in Mc Donald’s restaurants.
1971 Slipmate begins offering applications of Whitford Xylan 1010.
1972 Slipmate expands its Teflon™ coating fastener capabilities for customers in oil, chemical plants, including various off shore platforms.
1976 Slipmate begins offering DuPont Teflon™ Silverstone finishes.
1977 Randy Matecki joins Slipmate as Production Manager.
1983 Slipmate begins its first EMI-RFI shielding coatings on Motorola Microphones for use in Public Safety applications.
1984 Slipmate enters the mobile device industry by offering EMI-RFI shielding coatings on the earliest cellular mobile handsets.
1984 Shieldmate, a division of Slipmate is formed to focus on EMI-RFI shielding for Telecommunication and Military applications.
1985 Mark Matecki joins Slipmate as Sales Engineer.
1986 Slipmate installs its first GM-Fanuc Robot in its Franklin Park facility for High Volume Shielding applications.
1988 Slipmate provides EMI-RFI shielding on Motorola Microtac, which is the first flip handset and Dynatac models.
1989 Steve Matecki joins Slipmate as President.
1989 Slipmate triples in size by relocating to a 50,000 sq. ft. facility in Itasca, Illinois.
1992 Slipmate becomes a charter member of the Whitford Excalibur Network.
1993 Shieldmate Plastics a division of Slipmate -Shieldmate is formed. This company is configured with state of the art Engel, Netstal and Husky Injection Molding equipment
1995 Slipmate’s Itasca facility doubles in size to 100,000 sq. ft.
1996 Slipmate achieves thin wall injected plastics less than 1mm in wall thickness.
1996 Slipmate develops Star Tac prototypes with Motorola Engineers and soon after begins production for this product for Motorola factories worldwide.
1997 Slipmate becomes an integrated supplier of EMI-RFI Shielded Plastic and assembled components to several prominent telecommunication companies, including Motorola, Lucent, Qualcomm, Sony, and Denso.
2000 Slipmate sells its Shieldmate Plastic Division to Nolato AB Sweden and moves to a new 33,000 sq. ft. facility in Elgin, Illinois.
2001 Slipmate installs additional high volume coating and robotics capabilities in its Elgin facility.
2003 Slipmate installs a 1,000-degree high-temperature finishing oven.
2004 Slipmate develops the capability to do large part industrial coating, including parts up to 30 feet in length.
2006 Slipmate begins EMI-RFI Shielding application in Elgin.
2009 Slipmate utilizes Halar, Nylon and other PFA coatings for severe and corrosive environments.
2012 Slipmate obtains ISO 9001:2008 certification
2013 Slipmate further expands its robotic capabilities for Industrial coating applications.
2014 Slipmate installed Cleanroom for decorative and medical application
2015 Slipmate installed Automated Robotic Fluidized beds
2016 Slipmate Achieved ISO9001:2015 Certification
2017 Slipmate installed Closed Loop Paint/Coating Delivery Systems
2018 Slipmate adds Bridge crane with 5-ton capacity
2019 Slipmate supplements CAD capabilities with Autocad Inventor and Solidworks
2020 Slipmate adds two new robotic paint-lines
2021 Slipmate adds large capacity burn off oven and two more new robotic paint-lines
2021 Slipmate moves to 50,000 square foot Itasca facility
2022 Slipmate adds three more robotic paint-lines
2022 Slipmate add four robotic grit blasting lines
2024 Slipmate Achieved AS9100D and ISO 9001:2015 Certification CAGE code 9N2V1

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